Over the weekend I managed to clean out the south room. Well, I say “clean”, more like the relocation of piles from one room to another. I think it will take the rest of the week to actually clean both rooms.
I managed to move my large oil field desk. It comes apart so it’s not difficult to move.
Oh, you don’t know about the large oil field desk. It’s an old wooden desk my father and I salvaged from a decommissioned oil field site (with permission). It was in a very rough shape. It had a little water damage, all the paint and veneers were peeling off, and the desktop’s glass was shattered and the rubber topping crumbled away. And the best part of this was the rat’s nest. Some rats had chewed a hole in the front of one of the drawers and taken up residence in the desk. I spent an entire summer cleaning, disinfecting, sanding, and restoring the desk to something functional. I left the rat hole. I think it adds character to the old desk.
(Here’s a picture of the desk from 2007. You can see the rat hole on the left middle drawer.)
Anyway, after moving the desk I set my PC and audio equipment back up. So, I’m ready to get some work done. As long as I don’t turn my head and get distracted by the other side of my new office where there’s still a very large pile of stuff I’ve yet to handle.
How was your weekend?
Go Vote
Oklahoma, it's time to vote on State Question 820. Please go vote on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Polls are open 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
This Week
This week I hope to finish up my office move. Hopefully I'll find some time to work on the next episode of the podcast. Main topic is still up in the air.
More later. Time to go vote.
In The News
Ban on gender-affirming care would have an outsized effect on Oklahoma's two-spirit community | KOSU **
Walgreens won't sell abortion pills in red states that threatened legal action | Public Radio Tulsa
Bill to 'lock the clock' on Daylight Saving Time approved by Senate | KFOR
Security Incident Update and Recommended Actions | The LastPass Blog
** I feel the Oklahoma Legislature is about to do great harm to many. The GOP lead body is determined to deny transgender individuals their right to healthcare. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for this except for radical political lead hate. Please contact your elected officials and let them know your thoughts on this. - K.
Something To Watch
I tried using AI. It scared me.
Elon Musk Is An Idiot (and so are Zuck and SBF) | Adam Conover
Its a Secret (Song from Battle Block Theater Secret Easter Egg) | Evident's Gaming Channel
Why Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) is One of My Favorite Experimental Films | Cinemassacre
Tabasco vs. Cholula vs. Frank's RedHot vs. Sriracha | Company Man
LastPass Hack Incident Update | TWiT
Listen In
This week I've been listening to a lot of new Indie music and artist like Wet Leg, Courtney Barnett, and Tessa Violet.
I'm still listening to Ring World by Larry Niven on Audible. Really enjoying it.
I'm also still reading The Company of Death (The Immortal Journey Book 1) by Elisa Hansen on my Kindle. Haven't gotten very far in it. I really need to set aside some time to read more.
Feedback Welcome
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at blogoklahoma@blogoklahoma.net or connect with me at Mastodon at @blogoklahoma@social.tulsa.ok.us.
Have a great week.
– K.