Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone. Isn’t it great to start a new year with all new possibilities? Well in reality it usually just means a few weeks of writing the wrong year on your checks. Ha!
A Good Break
It was a good break. I hope yours was too. Donna and I went to visit family on a very chilly Christmas and got some much-needed rest (and warmth) at home. It sure was nice having two 3-day weekends in a row.
The Long Vote
Our country had quite an eventful first week of the year with all the drama in the U.S. House of Representatives. It took 15 votes to elect Republican Leader Kevin McCarty to be Speaker of the House. That had to be the longest Airing of the Grievances ever. On the Oklahoma side of this, our own Representative Kevin Hern was nominated a few times. He even got a hand full of votes before it was all over.
Here’s a picture I think fits the long week:
LastPass Breach
At the end of the year there was news about a LastPass security breach. I was so preoccupied with work, the holidays, and other news (see above) I completely missed this. LastPass is a popular password manager (or at least it was). I've been a happy LastPass user for years, it would be a shame if the company is no longer reliable.
The breach allowed a “bad actor” to download users full password vaults from one of LastPass’ backups. Luckily LastPass does have strong encryption and only you have the passkey. So, your passwords should be safe. Unfortunately, there was some meta data that wasn’t encrypted, such as email addresses and URLs. Which means you could be at risk of phishing attacks.
Many it the tech community are leaving LastPass and moving to the other password managers such as Bitwarden and 1Password. I’m doing some more research and asking some of my coworkers their opinion on this whole mess before I make that decision. (I work in I.T.)
If you use LastPass, it would be a good idea to go down your password list and start changing them. Especially for sensitive services like banks and email. If the service you’re saving also offers multifactor authentication (aka MFA or 2FA), turn it on.
This Week

On this week’s schedule, I’ll be working on my Blog Oklahoma Podcast plans. You can view these plans on Blog Oklahoma’s Trello as the develop.
More later. Time to get to work and change some passwords. Ugh!
In The News
Oklahoma governor, elected leaders prepare for inaugural - Public Radio Tulsa
A breach at LastPass has password lessons for us all | The Seattle Times
Here's what was on letter Greg Abbott hand-delivered to Joe Biden - El Paso Times
Oklahoma Democrat files legislation to repeal House Bill 1775 - KOCO
What I’m Listening To
Over the last few weeks, I've pretty much only been listening to two playlists or their radio equivalent on Spotify, Workday Jazz and Lofi Beats. Both are good for some light music in the background during workday.
I've also started a new book on Audible, Johannes Cabal the Detective by Jonathan L. Howard after finishing How to Write Like a Writer by Thomas C. Foster.
Something To Watch
If Veterans Ruled the World
The Future of Fashion Predicted by the Past: 150 years of Retrofuturism
The President Who Saved the World
3-2-1 Contact
A little something for us 80s kids.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at blogoklahoma@blogoklahoma.net or connect with me at Mastodon at @blogoklahoma@social.tulsa.ok.us.
Have a great week.
– K.
Well, I got the header all worked from last time. Now I'm thinking I over did it on the pictures. What do you think?
Also found one type-o. D'oh!