When you have a touch of attention disorder, it’s quite easy to get distracted. This happens to me more than I’d like. My latest trigger was a very odd set of legal notices I read in our area classified ad newspaper. I was compelled to research it. I was diving into Google, OSCN, and PACER, looking for details. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed. I had fallen down yet another rabbit hole.
Used especially in the phrase “going down the rabbit hole” or “falling down the rabbit hole,” a rabbit hole is a metaphor for something that transports someone into a wonderfully (or troublingly) surreal state or situation. On the internet, a rabbit hole frequently refers to an extremely engrossing and time-consuming topic.
On a side note, I learned PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records [Federal]) charges a fee to get results. OSCN (Oklahoma Supreme Court Network) doesn’t. Hey, something in the plus column for Oklahoma.
Anyway. These little adventures down various rabbit holes have happened to me enough that I made up a warning sign and placed it above my desk.
So dear friends, beware of rabbit holes and get back to work. Ha!
This Week
My work office workstation crashed last week, so I’m starting with a fresh Windows install. It’s going to take a while to get everything reinstalled and configured. (Also, the reason why this newsletter was a little late.)
At the home office, I’m experimenting with audio settings in Audacity. I’m hoping to improve the sound quality of the podcasts. I’m learning all about noise gates, normalization, and compression (almost its own rabbit hole).
A podcast update should be coming soon. Please watch the Blog Oklahoma Projects Board for notes.
More Later. Time to fill in some holes.
In The News
General Store Opens at Elk City Museum Complex | KECO 96.5FM
Why three major companies have passed on expanding in Oklahoma | The Frontier
OK House votes to censure Rep. arrested for public drunkenness | KFOR
Langston University wipes out outstanding student charges, again | KOSU
Oklahoma legislative action take toll on trans kids, parents, teachers | The Oklahoman
Something To Watch
"Mickey" - Toni Basil - Signature Songs That Are Actually Covers | Traxploitation
The Disturbing Origins of The Girl with No Hands (A Dark Fairytale) | abitfrank
Jurassic Park but with a Cat | OwlKitty
Lofi Girl finally stops studying | Lofi Girl
DOES YOUR FLAG FAIL? Grey Grades The State Flags! | CGP Grey
The BIGGEST Mistakes DIYers Don't Know They Are Making When Wiring Receptacles | How To Home
Listening In
It was back to Spotify, where I explored the works of Dream Theater, Yes, Devin Townsend, and Depeche Mode.
I was in the mood to revisit something on Audible, so I'm rereading John Varley's Gaea Trilogy: Titan, Wizard, and Demon.
Feedback Welcome
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at blogoklahoma@blogoklahoma.net or connect with me at Mastodon at @blogoklahoma@social.tulsa.ok.us.
Have a great week.
– K.