Tomorrow morning is going to be a busy one. And this time, it’s not code related.
It’s time once again for my regular A1C test. This test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. It’s just one of the perks of being diabetic. My levels tend to hover around an A1C of 7.0. Lower would be better, but the doctor is happy with everything being stable. Exercise would definitely lower things, but that’s one of those things I’m bad about doing. After this test, I’ll find out if I need any medication adjustments.
Speaking of meds, has anyone else had a problem with your insurance company refusing to cover or requiring pre-approval for medications like Ozempic or Mounjaro? This is one of the things I’ll find out tomorrow. The insurance company has been making my doctor fill out paperwork. Hopefully, it gets approved.
After my A1C test, I’m off to another doctor to check my eyes. It’s very much time for new glasses. I wonder what stylish new frames I’ll get this time. 👓
This Week
Donna and I were able to get our garden started this past weekend. So I got some outside time to look forward to. However, I’m still working on large work projects, so all side projects are on hold for a bit longer. Annoying, I know, but it shouldn’t be too much longer.
More later. Time to code (once I can see the screen that is).
In The News
Improvements Seen in All Categories in This Week’s Oklahoma Drought Monitor | Oklahoma Farm Report
Beauty beside the asphalt: You can thank ODOT for massive wildflower bloom in Oklahoma | KOKH
A monument in bronze for a teacher and her lesson for the ages | The Journal Record
Farm kids can hit the road in Oklahoma with special permit later this year | KOSU
Elk City Water Line Replacement Project on Main Nearly Complete | KECO
Listening In
This past week I've been using Spotify's new DJ feature. It creates a custom mix of music based off your listening history with an AI generated Radio DJ to intro the music. It's been nice. To give it a try click the DJ tile in the app to start listening. I's a blue square with a green circle.
Also, this is a good time to remind you about the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist. It has well over 70 hours of music for you to enjoy. Use random play for the best experience.
I have about 7 hours left with Wizard by John Varley on Audible. Might be done with it this week, then it's on to book 3 in the Gaea trilogy.
Something To Watch
Killers of the Flower Moon — Official Teaser Trailer | Apple TV
The Lost Heroes of Gold Key | FizzFop1
Texas Chili & The Chili Queens of San Antonio | Tasting History with Max Miller
What Really Happened During the Gas Explosions in the Merrimack Valley? | Practical Engineering
Ancient Therapy for Modern Problems: Stoic Philosophy Explained | Philosophy Tube
Tailoring an 1890s Jacket to Live My Victorian Boss Dreams | Bernadette Banner
Virtual Production with Nerdforge & William Faucher | Andyax
Feedback Welcome
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave a comment on Substrack, email me at, or connect with me at Mastodon at
Have a great week.
– K.
Update: After waiting a month, my insurance company finally approved my Ozempic prescription. The fact that I was forced to wait for a prescription by a third party is just maddening. I’ll have more on taking Ozempic in an upcoming newsletter.